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  • elizavetavorobeva13

For Fun

Обновлено: 28 апр. 2020 г.

Был ли у вас воображаемый друг или человек, с которым вы говорили, когда были еще совсем детьми?

> Watch a video and answer my questions:

Do you like the video?

Is it good to have an imaginary friend? Why/Why not?

When can it be dangerous?

> Now read a poem named 'My Imagination':

I reach out to hold you, but only to find myself disappointed.

I hear you.

I look to see you, but you are nowhere to be found.

I feel your presence.

I call your name, but there is no answer.

Are you really there,

Or is it just my imagination?

Find the verbs in Present Simple Tense.

Thank you for a great job!

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